Projects by @vinitshahdeo
:hash: | Project | Description | Repo Link |
:one: | Job Tweets | Twitter sentiment analysis of tweets related to job opportunities using Python libraries: Tweepy and Textblob |
@vinitshahdeo/jobtweets |
:two: | Hashtagify | Generates #hashtags for Instagram posts. Upload your photo and it will suggest the relevant #hashtags for you |
@vinitshahdeo/Hashtagify |
:three: | Quotter | A Twitter bot which tweets random quotes with image and #hashtags |
@vinitshahdeo/Quotter |
:four: | Online Debate System | Using google voice recognition API to predict the “For the motion” and “Against the motion” using sentiment analysis |
@vinitshahdeo/online-debate-system |
:five: | COVID-19 Tracker | A pandemic often brings rumours with misleading data along with it. Protect yourself from the panic and get confirmed statewise real-time stats of COVID-19 cases with date-wise visualization of confirmed, recovered cases along with the latest news. |
@vinitshahdeo/COVID19 |
:six: | Water Monitoring System | Water Monitoring System is an IOT based Liquid Level Monitoring system that has mechanisms to keep the user alerted in case of liquid overflow or when tank depletes. |
@vinitshahdeo/Water-Monitoring-System |
:seven: | Port Scanner | Port Scanner is an application intended to test a server or host for open ports. Such an application might be utilized by managers to check security approaches of their systems and by assailants to recognize arrange administrations running on a host and adventure vulnerabilities. |
@vinitshahdeo/PortScanner |
:eight: | Face Recognition | Face Recognition using Haar-Cascade Classifier, OpenCV and Python |
@vinitshahdeo/FaceRecognition |
:nine: | Library Management System | [DBMS Project] An interactive web portal for automating various manual processes done by librarian. |
@vinitshahdeo/Library-Management-System |
:keycap_ten: | Recruitment Portal | An online recruitment portal developed for VinnovateIT Recruitment 2K17 with separate student and admin login. |
@vinitshahdeo/Recruitment-Portal |
:one::one: | Cookie Manager | A chrome extension to manage browser cookies manually. |
vinitshahdeo/Cookie-Manager |
:one::two: | inspirational-quotes | A simple NPM Package which returns random Inspirational Quotes. It provides awesome quotes to display in your application. Get your daily quote and stay motivated! |
@vinitshahdeo/inspirational-quotes |
:one::three: | Progressive News App | A simple Progressive Web App (PWA) that brought news from a variety of sources using News API. | @vinitshahdeo/ProgressiveNewsApp |
:one::four: | Parking Lot | [System Design] Design a parking lot system which supports multiple features. It uses OOPS concepts and TDD approach. |
@vinitshahdeo/ParkingLot |
:one::five: | Twitter Sentiment Analysis | A web app to search the keywords(#Hashtags) on Twitter and analyze the sentiments of it. The source code is written in PHP and it performs Sentiment Analysis on Tweets by using the Datumbox API. |
@vinitshahdeo/TwitterSentimentAnalysis |
:one::six: | GitHub LookBook | Look up the GitHub profiles with better UI experience. It helps you browse social coder’s and organization’s profiles and offers you a glimpse to their world of code. |
@vinitshahdeo/GitHubLookBook |
:one::seven: | Simple Bio | A starter template for beginners - You can use this template to build your portfolio |
@vinitshahdeo/SimpleBio |
:one::eight: | IPL Swiggy6 | SWIGGY6 - A chrome extension to notify the sixers in live IPL matches. Get 60% after every sixer within 6 minutes. |
@vinitshahdeo/IPL-Swiggy6 |
:one::nine: | Happy Birthday | Coder’s way of wishing Happy Birthday! |
@vinitshahdeo/HBD |
:two::zero: | Mini YouTube | A React App using YouTube API |
@vinitshahdeo/MiniYouTube |
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