GitHub Popular Searches
A Postman collection to discover popular repositories on GitHub for a given search query. It sends the popular repository on Slack channel.
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This collection is published here.
How does it work?
Put a search query for GitHub Repositories
Fetch GitHub Repo URLs through API call to NPM
Collect all the comments, download count, stars count, fork count from GitHub API
Perform Sentiment Analysis on Comments
Suggest best available repository for given search term on Slack
Set the following environment variables before you run this collection :
: the query you want to search say css minifier etc.maxSize
: maximum number of repositories you want to fetch say 20.
It sends the popular repository on Slack channel using webhook.
This collection uses Github API to fetch comments and sends a report to an internal Slack channel using a webhook.
API Calls made
GET npm search - API call to NPM to fetch the popular GitHub Repositories for a given search query.
GET fetch comments - Fetching comments for each repositories using GitHub API.
: Name of the GitHub repositoryuserName
: GitHub username for the given repository
POST calculate sentiments - Calculating sentiment using ParallelDots API for the comments of given GitHub repository.
POST push to slack - Pushing most popular repos to Slack using webhook.
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