GitHub LookBook

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Mark Zuckerbug in Harvard’s batch of 2017 commencement speech said “Let’s do big things not just to create progress but to create purpose.” He emphasised on the need to build communities and the need to come together and achieve things that we couldn’t on our own. Be it through Facebook and how it connects tribes to cities to nations. Or LinkedIn - the window to the corporate world. We accomplish more when we meet new people, and I believe in the same. GitHub, a home for the code-blooded, facilitates social coding by providing a web interface to the Git Repository and management tools for collaboration. GitHub can be thought as a similar social networking site for software developers. It provides you a platform to share and store your projects and work with like minded people. I have been contributing to this platform since the very first year of my graduation and day by day have honed my skills assiduously. After 365 days of learning, growing and exploring I have come up with GitHub LookBook - a product of this journey.

Provide some feedback. Suggestions are most welcome!

Get to know about the users' work

It help you browse social coders' and organisations' profile and offers you a glimpse to their world of code. Download zipped folder of their codes in one go.

GitHub Report Card

See the public Github Report Card generated by GitHub LookBook. Get to know total number of stars and forks. You can also tweet your report card to let everyone know about your open source contributions.

Features yet to release

I'm still working on the ideas which popped in my mind while building GitHub LookBook. Many exciting features yet to come. Keep visiting GitHub LookBook!

Developer's Corner

"A lot of heart and soul has gone into this. I have found my purpose and I hope all of you come closer to finding yours and help bridge the gap between communities" - Vinit Shahdeo

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Suggestions and feedbacks are welcome! Ping me if you wish to contribute in development work.