Coming Soon!
if(strcmp("Code Combat", event)==0)
printf("Play Couter Strike \n Code");
printf("Play Couter Strike \n Code");
if(strcmp("Code Combat", event)==0)
printf("Play Couter Strike \n Code");
printf("Play Couter Strike \n Code");
Code Combat, an amalgamation of gaming and coding. To gain enough amount of time to solve as many competitive coding problems, something of equal value must be given. Come join us in teams of three and find out the value of your coding time. In this heat, all you need to do is play your favourite game in an A/C room for 10 hours with friends and food and a possibility of winning cash prize! Register Now! ₹300 per team only.
The Registration Fee is ₹300 per team only. Online Registration will open soon! You can register now at our registration desk in SJT.